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Prayer Partner

We covet the prayers of our supporters anytime! A team of prayer warriors meet weekly to pray for the clinic, our patients, and our staff.  If you’d like to be part of this weekly prayer team, email or use our contact form.

Contact Form


We’d love your hands on partnership in walking out the mission of The Eden Clinic.  We do our best to match your skills and preferences to the support needs of the Clinic.  Some of our highest priority and continuous needs are for administrative help and Client advocates in our parenting program. Fill our the volunteer interest form to be contacted with more information about available opportunities, or if you are ready to begin serving as an Eden volunteer, please fill out the volunteer application.

Volunteer Interest FormVolunteer Application

Baby Bottle Project Campaign

The Baby Bottle Project (BBP) allows local churches and schools to partner with Eden to raise funds through filling baby bottles with coins. Is your church interested in participating? Fill out the form below and we will be in contact with more info!

BBP form

Seven Weeks Coffee

Support a pro-life coffee company while giving back to The Eden Clinic! Give it a try and 15% of your purchase goes back to Eden.

Seven Weeks Coffee


A way we support our parents going through our parenting class is by providing vital baby items in preparation for baby's arrival. 
**Amazon will ship items from wishlist directly to Eden. Items on this list are just suggestions and can be purchased elsewhere and dropped off at our office during business hours. Any brands, as long as purchased new, are accepted.

Amazon Wishlist