About Us
Comprehensive women’s healthcare clinic providing compassionate care to meet the healthcare needs of today’s woman.
The Eden Clinic is a non-profit medical clinic and Christian outreach for those facing an unplanned pregnancy. We use an innovative approach in dealing with abortion, crisis pregnancies and sexuality. We have optimized our services to create an atmosphere of trust as we meet the pregnancy and parenting needs of women and build relationship.
Because we are a Christian ministry, staffed with believers our approach to ministry is holistic, considering the body, mind, emotions and spirit, addressing sexual choices, relationship issues and what a difference Christ can make in their lives.
Our services include pregnancy testing, OB ultrasound, STI testing and treatment, honest information about abortion and options, parenting education for moms and dads, and after abortion support and healing.
All of Eden’s services are free.
The Eden Clinic does not provide or refer for abortion services.
Empowering Women
Unexpected pregnancy comes with a lot of emotions and feelings. We empower women with knowledge to make her best decision.
Honestly, most women who chooses abortion makes that choice because she thinks it’s her only option.
She considers it because of difficult circumstances, and she can’t clearly see any other option. An unplanned pregnancy can make a woman feel that her life and future are threatened by the pregnancy. The Eden Clinic works to calm her fears, hear her reasons for considering abortion and helps her explore her options.
As Christians, we understand that LIFE is always the best choice, no matter the circumstances, but a young woman facing the greatest crisis of her life does not see that. She works through a Personal Decision Guide to clearly consider her options and measure her own moral compass against her three options – abortion, parenting or choosing parents (adoption). Eden staff and volunteers help her see the support system she has. A majority – 69%- of women who aborted said they felt pressure from others. We help point out any pressure she may be feeling from others to have an abortion.
Limited OB Ultrasound
According to Care Net, a national pro-life organization, 79% of women will change their mind about having an abortion once they see their baby on the ultrasound screen – the heartbeat and the movement of life on the screen can sometimes trump all the reasons she felt she had to have an abortion. With the support team of Eden she can find strength to make a decision for life.
Post Abortion Support
The Eden Clinic’s Karis program provides post-abortion support through an 8 week Bible study, “Forgiven and Set Free.”
The Guttmacher Institute reported that half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and 4 in 10 of these are terminated by abortion. Twenty-one percent of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. The American Psychological Association stated that women suffering from abortions had psychological issues to begin with and that post-abortion trauma does not exist. However, Dr. David Reardon of the Elliot Institute has been studying post abortion in women for more than 25 years. His findings are quite the opposite. Dr. Reardon’s studies prove that abortion hurts women.
reported a study in 2011 revealing the mental effects abortion has on women.
Even though abortion is now illegal in Oklahoma, it is still legal and many states and a ‘choice’. Women are not allowed to grieve that loss when grief comes, but are told to ‘move on’. Therefore, many women keep their abortions a secret and suffer in silence. But, you don’t have to…

Board of Directors

Board Chairman

Board Secretary

Board Treasurer

Mission Statement
The Eden Clinic is a Christ-centered organization that empowers women and men with alternatives to
abortion, builds strong families through sex education and parenting education and offers loving after-abortion support.
Eden will become a regional comprehensive organization walking alongside women and children
to advocate for their spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
Core Values
- We will lead the way to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves.
- We will honor God by acting at all times with integrity.
- We are all about healthy relationships in all we do with patients, donors, and each other.
- Our strong reputation will precede us in our actions.
- We are unashamedly Pro-Life.
- We value “whole-istic” care with our patients.
- Our actions will be wholeheartedly Christ-centered.
Our partners