
The Eden Clinic strives to educate and inform the community about the issues of Crisis Pregnancy, Abortion, and Pregnancy Wellness. Part of that effort is supplying you with the Resources you need and want to know the facts about the issues we see young women facing every day.

Baby Bottle Project

Hosting a Baby Bottle Project (BBP) campaign is one of the most important and poignant ways a church can introduce their congregation to the issue of Crisis Pregnancy and Abortion, while helping support a Christian ministry that addresses those issues daily and by the thousands annually.

The Baby Bottle Project is open throughout the year so churches can schedule their Project when it fits best into their calendar. One of the best times of the year is in January when celebrating the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Is your church interested in hosting a Baby Bottle Project campaign? Fill out the form below!

Statistics and Other Facts

Since 2012, The Eden Clinic has served the pregnancy needs of almost 10,000 women in various ways, with more than 700 babies being saved from abortion. Through the years, many of the young women are Abortion-minded when they initially walked through our doors. Most were seeking pregnancy testing, ultrasounds. In 2022, Eden began Just for DAD parenting classes to encourage and help men as they begin their parenting journey. 

Today, because of the new laws on abortion in Oklahoma, we see more and more young women and men together and they’re choosing to parent. This has been our prayer for almost 50 years while abortion was legal. We thank God that lives are being saved because of these new laws and that EDEN can continue ministering to the families. 

Local Social Service Resources

Helping our patients goes far beyond the examination and ultrasound rooms. Many of our patients need other services that we can’t provide, but we are able to connect them with services within our service communities.