2025 Events

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
January is Sanctity of Human Life Month
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.
Before you were born, I set you apart.
Jeremiah 1:5a

Your church can join Eden as we commemorate the Sanctity of Human Life in ways that are sensitive of the impact abortion has on members of the your congregation and our community. 

We have developed materials to assist churches as they affirm the value of every human life at all stages of development.

How you can participate: 

  • Mark January as Sanctity of Human Life month
  • Present a message that affirms abundant life for moms, babies, and whole families
  • Remind women in your congregation who have experienced abortion that they are loved by the church and by God.  Love them well, and encourage them to pursue forgiveness, freedom, and healing. Statistically, 40% of women in today’s Christian churches have experienced abortion – Eden’s Karis program is a free resource that offers compassionate, biblical keys to hope and healing
  • Invite an Eden representative to share about the work we’re doing, current state and national trends, or how your congregation can support efforts to protect and promote life.
  • Participate in Eden’s Baby Bottle Project Fundraiser which is a huge part of how we’re able to keep our services 100% free
  • Pray for the women, men, and families God will be bring into our clinic in 2025.